Fancy Mirror Finishing Kit

$ 870.00

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Quantity in Package

  • 4 Cream paper
  • 2 Gilt on cream edging papers
  • 2 wheat paste 
  • 1/2 yard burgandy velvet
  • 14 meters gilt woven tape
  • 18" silk ribbon 
  • 2 blued tacks


This is a finishing kit for the fancy mirror as a convenience for those who haven't purchased any finishing materials.  The written (with photos) instructions for finishing are found in the Cabinet of Curiosities - Stumpwork course or included as a download when purchasing a mirror frame.

Marbled paper and finishing tools are not included.  Hardware came with the mirror frame.

These materials can be individual bought on the site if you already have some of them.  

Subscription Payments

Payment in full by button above.  If prefer paying by Installment - click the gold link to be taken to PayPal for a subscription. 

9 months Fancy Mirror Finishing ($99.12/month) - USA

9 months Fancy Mirror Finishing ($101.58/month) - Canada

9 months Fancy Mirror Finishing ($103.87/month) - Rest of World