Five Senses Casket Graphs and Thread Kits

$ 907.50

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Quantity in Package

There are multiple options which can include graphs, a yard of 24 ct Rain Barrel linen and/or 165 tubes of soie paris


These are the graphs for the Five Senses Casket. The graphs are provided for all three sizes of caskets (Double Casket, Flat Casket with Doors and Flat Casket).   If you have a casket already and have decided not to design something for it, this is a great option.  You can also stitch the panels of the Flat Casket and make a box to fit.  Other options are to stitch panels you love for framing.

There are several options:

  • Buy the graphs to go with the 24 ct Rain Barrel linen and casket you have
  • Buy the graphs and 24 ct. Rain Barrel linen.  Use your soie paris from stash and supplement it to work it for your casket
  • Buy the graphs, 24-ct Rain Barrel linen, and all 165 tubes of soie paris needed.
  • Buy the 165 tubes of soie paris

A slate frame or several roller frames (16" rollers with 14" or 16" slats) are suggested for working.  It is strongly suggested that you sign up for a finishing kit.

Your user/password will be activated for the graphs folder.  The graphs for each side are presented in order of the casket stitch along.  A full graph and then close up graphs in color with symbols superimposed as well as only symbols are included.